Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Final Demonstration of Learning

When we are prepared to summatively assess students on a reporting standard, they will complete a Final Demonstration of Learning or FDOL. Students will become familiar with this term. If a FDOL is a formal classroom assessment results will come home with an assigned academic indicator. The Academic Indicators being used by R7 to communicate a child’s level of proficiency of a standard are defined below.

Academic Performance Skills Indicators:

M- Indicates the student is consistently and independently meeting proficiency of the grade level standard.

A student who receives an “M” has met the defined grade level standard.

P- Indicates the student is progressing toward independent proficiency of the grade level standard.

A student who is progressing toward a standard is demonstrating a level of understanding that is expected and typical during the course of the school year at a given time.

E - Indicates the student is experiencing difficulty understanding the grade level standard and requires additional time and support as he/she progresses toward proficiency.

A student who is experiencing difficulty understanding a grade level standard may require additional support or intervention, monitoring, practice, reteaching, or simplymore time to demonstrate proficiency.

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